The personnel accounting application KADRI is an efficient tool for electronic personnel management. The application is suited for the management of personnel data both in local government institutions and commercial enterprises.
Users of the application can store personnel information, prepare required reports, generate personnel documents.
- Full electronic personnel record keeping that provides unified accounting of all personnel files in the entire local government or commercial enterprise. It is possible to provide separated personnel departments with restricted access to personnel files of certain institutions.
- Automatic vacation calculation algorithms, vacation compensation and vacation accrual calculations. Automatic calculation of additional vacation days. Calculation of teacher vacations.
- Integration with other applications of the Single Local Governments System and state registers. Generating personnel applications and instructions, electronic coordination and generation in the document management system LIETVARIS, creating users of applications, making working time accounting tables etc.
KADRI is suitable for all types of institutions for convenient management of work and other contractual relations of their personnel. Using KADRI, the customer obtains a full tool for the electronic management of all the personnel data from beginning to terminating employment relations. Fully using the personnel accounting application, a personnel specialist turns personnel accounting in paper form files into electronic accounting.
- Accounting legal labour relations;
- Accounting personnel positions, rates, salaries, substitutions, one-off allowances and long-term bonuses;
- Accounting personnel education, training, courses, certificates information.
- Accounting personnel vacations and leaves, incapacity for work certificates and business trips;
- It is possible to make personnel applications and instructions to personnel using document forms;
- The application calculates the number of accrued vacation days;
- In the application it is possible to store additional information on employees, e.g. employee contact information, official language skill information etc;
- Making accounts and reports;
- The application provides data for the employee self-service portal MADIS in order to enter employee applications.
KADRI is linked with various government registers: Ministry of Education and Science State Education Information System (VIIS) provides receiving data in the application KADRI; linking with the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs Population Register provides local government users with access credentials issued by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs in order to update personal data from its Population Register.
To ensure the quality of the processed data and convenient processing of them, there is a linking with the applications of the SLGS:
- Resource management system GVEDIS salary calculation module.
- Document management system LIETVARIS. Using employee position data, contact information, absence and substitution.
- My Data section of self-service portal MADIS. Showing data of personal file, preparing and submitting electronic applications;
- DLUT section of self-service portal MADIS. Transferring data to be included in the working time accounting table;
- Single Local Governments System user accounting application LIETO;
- Application SOPA. Receiving contractual data of assistants of the disabled persons registered with social services.