ZZ Dats mission is to develop a sustainable domestic company that is able to provide well-paid jobs to highly qualified IT specialists so that they and their family members would have stable and secure development possibilities in their own country, Latvia.


In December 28, the first two computers are bought for 2,000 lats and the company SIA ZZ Dats is registered on this same day.


This year marks the beginning of the road of developing local government systems: the software Property is implemented in the Rīga city local government. To deliver the latest version or install new software, we visit our customers with floppy discs.


The first cloud solution: the application PERS for population accounting and residence registration. Gradually the Single Local Governments System is built with the applications NINO, PERS, DZIMTS, SOPA and others.


All local governments of Latvia work with the single Local Governments System.


ZZ DATS employs more than 50 people. Earlier an employee was a one man orchestra: managed the project, analysed customer requirements, programmed, tested and consulted customers. Today, we have several project administrators, project managers, system analysts, programmers, information system testers-documenters, customer consultants.


Developing portal www.epakalpojumi.lv


The number of users of The Single Local Governments System exceeds 45,000.


The Single Local Governments System includes 25 large-scale applications, and it is integrated with more than 30 government and external registers. The company employs more than 160 people.



For us it is important to grow stable and lasting cooperation, which is only possible with quality work results.


Confidence, keeping promises, honest actions and positive attitude – all this is part of our company’s environment.


We listen to and focus on the wishes and needs of our customers and provide services best-tailored to their requirements.


We do all our work with the clear target to achieve the highest-quality and sustainable outcome.


Perfection is our driving force. We constantly improve our performance and set higher and higher targets.

Esam ieguvuši ISO sertifikātus– ISO 9001:2015 – kvalitātes vadības standarts un ISO 27001:2022 drošības kvalitātes standarts.

ZZ Dats strādā vairāk nekā 200 IT speciālisti.

2024. gadā saņēmām “Dažādībā ir spēks!” bronzas statusu par pozitīvu sniegumu dažādības principu ievērošanā.

Esam ieguvuši Ģimenei draudzīga uzņēmuma statusu, kas apliecina mūsu rūpes par darba un ģimenes dzīves līdzsvaru.



We highly value the efforts of every individual employee in the field of personal growth, as employees who constantly seek to improve them and help others grow is the most valuable asset of the company. The company's contribution to employee training (courses, certificates) over year.
A third of our employees have been working in ZZ Dats for more than 10 years. What's our secret? Growth, a possibility to perfect oneself — both to educate and grow professionally, a feeling of security about own future and of the nearest ones.
According to the data of Eurostat, 18% women are working in the ICT industry in Europe. But at ZZ Dats, here in Latvia, 45% women are fulfilling their career opportunities in the IT industry.